Friday, April 25, 2014

EQ 10--What are we using the Flash program to create? Tell me at least 5 terms and explain them that you learned as we did practice with Flash.

EQ 10--What are we using the Flash program to create? Tell me at least 5 terms and explain them that you learned as we did practice with Flash.

We have an assignment to make a movie in action 3.0. This movie can be whatever we want as long has it has 10 sentences and animation in it.

Friday, April 11, 2014

EQ 9--How did your company presentation go? What was the best part? What was the weakest part? What is the main thing you learned during this presentation?

EQ 9--How did your company presentation go? What was the best part? What was the weakest part? What is the main thing you learned during this presentation?

The presentation went very well, the best part was the slideshow.The weakest part was probably the extra features we didn't get to add. I learned that business stuff isn't fun at all.

Monday, April 7, 2014

EQ 8--Reflect on the progress of your company project--3-4 sentences.

EQ 8--Reflect on the progress of your company project--3-4 sentences.

I have tried my best to complete everything that is assigned in this class. So if I fail it then I will know i wont have any regrets in this class.